Outlook(Page 2 of 5)

 Wednesday 20 November Cloudy to start for Antrim and Derry, Western Isles across Highland to Shetland and into Aberdenshire towards Borders with snow showers with a fresh NE wind continuing through the morning and into the afternoon, high windchill 3C. Remaining areas of Scotland Argyll to Dumfries frost slow to clear towards mid-morning, mainly dry with sunshine though scattered snow shower likely, temperatures briefly above 0C early afternoon. Showers continuing through the evening around windward coast, widespread frost overnight severe in valleys and glens -3 generally to -8C. Snow showers and sunshine running into Clwyd, through Powyss to Glamorgan and onto Devon and Cornwall, scattered snow showers also onto Yorkshire coast and later Norfolk temperatures 3C with high windchill. Remainder of England Lancashire to Derbyshire through Worcestershire to Hampshire temperatures belwo 0C to mid-morning lifting slowly then dry with sunshine temperature briefly 1 to 2C into the afte rnoon.
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